Work life balance... the struggle of a teacher mom at it's finest

The top priorities in life come down to three things I tell my 4-year-old daughter:

1. Happy

2. Healthy

3. Safe

Although happiness has so many variables- it's relatable and feels tangible to a toddler. But as my husband and I started to look inward on those three things, I found that my job wasn't meeting those requirements any more to the fullest and in some cases- to the EXTREME. Teaching is my dream job- always has been and always will be. Even if I did do something different- It would literally be pitching my idea of a classroom makeover show to Netflix and be the next Danielle Brooks of Dream Home Makeovers, but surprise teachers instead. Bringing Joy and Happiness to the mix of my teacher life, without leaving the classroom. My goal with revamping this blog of mine is that those 37K views will grow and my words of stressing the importance of beinh Happy, Healthy, and Safe in and outside the classroom will help others in whatever place they are at in their teacher life, mommy life, married life, just living life life, or whatever place you are at. That through my instagram I can share the connections and images of this path called life that I am on. Through my teachers pay teachers account I can help make life easier for other teachers out there. But then all tied in together... this blog will accent them all with a blissful mix of it all. Breaking down the good, the bad, and the "that just happened" moments of teaching. 

Stay tuned. 

