Today's History Lab on Ancient India (Happy- Doing What I Love)


Today's History Lab on Ancient India

Lead-Up Materials Used:

Ancient India History Lab:

World History Ancient Civilization Labs
DBQ Analysis of
SS.6.W.4.2 Explain the major beliefs and practices associated with Hinduism and the social structure of the caste system in ancient India. 
Essential Question: What are the major beliefs and practices associated with Hinduism and the caste system in ancient India?

This is geared toward 6th grade standards, but can be used in other grade levels.

Sources used and examined in this activity:
Source 1
Diagram of the caste system

Source 2
Caste laws

Source 3
Religious beliefs behind the caste system

Source 4
Image of reincarnation with infinity symbol in the middle

How we go through it:
Note: this can be done as an in-unit lesson, but today we did it as a knowledge check. I have to submit AP recommendations for my freshman soon and I want to test their skills. 

Step One: Get out any notes or helpers from previous lessons (if doing independently- I let my freshman, but not my 6th grade babies).
Step 2: Read the Essential Question together and go over the word Theo. The means god and Theology is a social structure, society, or government that is religiously based. 
Step 3: Students (or teacher lead) go through each document and take notes on it's main ideas, key terms, and important information. 
Step 4: Go back through each document and connect it to the main essential question at the top in the last collumn. 
Step 5: Write a thesis with the main ideas. Just like you do with the buckets and the chicken foot in a DBQ Project. 

Teacher Answer Key
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