Happy. Healthy. Safe. Keeping it simple in parenting, life decisions, and teaching! Because teaching has enough complications and acronyms as it is.


Themes of this blog

When Establishing Healthy Life Rules In All Aspects Of Your Life: Keep These 3 Things In Your Mind

  1. Happy: When making decissions and choices are they items that bring you joy? Someone else joy? You joy and not someone else? All parties joy but you? You joy and no one else?
  2. Healthy: When incorporate a new habit into your existing routine or making decission: evaluate is it healthy for your: mental state, body, someone elses body, the whole family, and/ or for the relationship at hand?
  3. Safe: Did you enlist the help of family, friends, and professionals to keep you safe? Were you being safe? Did someone your safety at risk or someone around yous safety at risk?

In the end: Are your consequences reasonable
