Scenario for taking our facebooks to authentic learning assessments

Problem; the US is facing a time where we have it begun to forget the core values of democracy. The people keep complaining about politicians are not listening to them. But they are voting, attending forums, or writing petitions. Corrupt politicians are becoming more common than not.
Solution; a team of scientists have brought the following Enlightenment thinkers back with the use of a top-secret time machine. They have created them social media accounts and requested for each thinker day express their views on the modern form of it social media and helps that the people will listen to them. You must take on the role of it enlightenment thinker and create their social media account cry out in hopes of the people will listen. The theme of your social media will come from the foldable that you put together last class. Please choose from one of the social media forums below in the choice board and begin:
-facebook (template in google docs)
-twitter (template in google docs)
-instagram (template in lucidpress)
-youtube (we video link)
-podcast (wevideo link)

Remember to relate to the American people and show them that they do have a voice! Teach them how to use it in a Democracy! And bring back the core values that our Founding Fathers designed the backbone of our country on! 
Good Luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor
