Going digital

I have begun classes it on one to one technology for our new implementation of chrome books in the classroom. We have been taking classes at the district office and I have begun using Google classroom in my class on a daily basis.I have never been so excited to continue learning and take my class for the next level. We were working on projects the other day using different news sources and putting them into a graphic organizer to city both Baltimore in Ferguson. Before I used to just project one video on the SmartBoard for everyone to see, but now I have a live digital classroom where kids can go anywhere from a news sorce of their choosing. The coversations that I have been having and the noises that I hear in my room are what makes me want to teach middle school civics. 
Normally at the end of the year I'm counting down the days. This year I didn't even realize that the end of school was next week. I love my classroom and I love being able to do all the cool fun things that we've been able to do lately. I can't wait to come back next year to have one to one chrome books throughout the whole school. 
