Seven Roles for One President
Seven Roles for One President
1. We labeled our first page "title" and placed the title of the article on that page.
2. We then labeled 7 pages at the top with super hero #_ and the bolded role and # from each of the 7 roles.
3. My students copied each roll together on each page to give them their description & we discussed each role. 
4. I explained that for someone to pull this off, they need to ensure that they are being a Role Model. 

#1. Chief of State for example says its an honor to shake their hand. No matter if you are a Red Sox fan, a Mets fan, or a Rays fan... You can appreciate Jeter. He is a great player, but also an all around good player. Now, on the other hand, A-Rod is not someone I would like my kid to look up to. Although I can appreciate that he has records without enhancing drugs, I do not want that to represent my team. My family is from New England and I am a New England sports fan for all teams BUT when it comes to baseball. So I used the example of my Mom watching Jeters last game to honor the sport and the player. No matter if you like the person or not, they are doing a job that most can't do.

5. My students then make their notes into a live Presidential super hero comic strip. The President swoops in to perform each role under its description. 
