AVID Recruitment

AVID Teacher Recruitment List

To:  The 6th & 7th grade PLCs

From:  HMMS AVID Site team

Re:  AVID Recruitment – Please fill items out via Sharepoint (link bellow) by March 27th.  THANKS!

The AVID Site Team is in the process of forming the AVID classes for the 2015-2016 school year.  We’re asking that our incoming 7th grade AVID students be referred by you, the 6th grade team and incoming 8th grade students from our 6th grade team.  We need around 30 referrals from each PLC.

If a student fits the following criteria, please list him or her.  This does not mean they will be in AVID.  It means they will get an application and will be interviewed for the class.  Again, thanks so much!!!!  We couldn’t do this without you! If the student turns in an application, we will give the students individual teachers recommendation forms. Right now we are just looking to see who we should try to recruit based on your data.

The criteria are as follows:

1.  The student is in the middle and would not normally succeed in a rigorous curriculum without the support of the AVID class and might be

           -Traditionally underserved in colleges and universities

           -Economically disadvantaged

           -Possibly first-time college attendee from a family

           -Underachieving their potential (if given the tools could be more successful)

           -Any combo of the above


-test scores


2.  The student has B and C grades.

3.  The student has appropriate classroom behavior.

4.  The student has good attendance.

5.  The parents and the student have the motivation and desire for entrance to a four- year college or university.

