AVID Presentation of superheroes

Superhero: have teachers stand with their hands on their hips, with their chests out, and faces up toward the cealing. Have them hold this for 1 minute. As they stand their say motivational "I cans" example "I can make it through the day" "I can explain functions to my students today" 

Student speech: we had a student present her essay that got her into Cambridge at a local high school this past weekend. She is also dualing this essay for AVID at the same school. Once she was finished there was barely any dry eyes in the audiance. By now, we not only included a focus hook, but we also showed them what AVID can do! This student not only got her acceptance for Cambridge this last weekend, she also revieved notification that her audition for the theater and arts program was a success as well!! I believe that she will be able to accompish all three with the BEST success!   

Snowball Fight: we asked them just before the AVID video at the end of the Prezi to write a recent moment that they felt like a superhero at school! They made a snowball and tossed it in the bucket as I walked around! The video was sooo engaging most of the snowballs came after the video. I then proceeded to hand them out to the administrators around the room to read off! It was sooo positive! One was even about how my AVID students speech proved that they made a difference the past two years!!! 

Make the motivation continue: I took it upon myself to make a superhero hallway board. It said the prompt, check out what their responses were, and don't mind our wrinkles, we had a "snowball fight". 
