Spread of Islam - Map Activity

Spread of Islam - Map Activity

A.      Find a map to label the following.  Please use ink for
1.       Spain                                 6.  Arabia                              11.  Constantinople
2.       Persia                                7.  Baghdad                          12.  Rome
3.       Cairo                                 8.   Jerusalem                        13.  Cordoba
4.       Byzantine Empire         9.   Mecca                               14.  Red Sea
5.       Tours                              10.   Medina                             15.  Persian Gulf

B.       Color water areas blue.
C.       Use the pages above to color your map to show the spread of Islam.  Use a
different color for each time period & make a key that explains what color you
used for each time period.
 D.      Paste your map in your notebook. 
 E.       In complete sentences answer the following questions below  your map. 
          a.       In what period did Baghdad come under Muslim control?
          b.      What factors contributed to the spread of Islam?
          c.       What is the climate of most of the land under Islamic control by 1200CE?
