Early Exploration

1.      Text Box: Lesson ActivitiesLook at a map of Europe. Why do you think countries such as Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands sent explorers to North America, but other countries such as Germany and Austria did not?

2.      Why were Spain’s monarchs interested in the proposal Columbus made to them?

3.      Predict. Based on Columbus’ journal, what do you think will happen once more Europeans arrive? Use textual evidence to support your answer.

4.      What is the Columbian Exchange? What impact did it have on Europe and the Americas?

Geography Activity
1.      Color and label Spanish territory yellow or brown.
2.      Color and label French territory purple or blue.
3.      Color and label British territory green.
4.      Color and label Dutch territory orange.
5.      Label the following cities and rivers: Santa Fe, St. Augustine, Quebec, Jamestown, Plymouth, St. Lawrence River, Hudson River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande
6.      Draw and label the following expeditions: Ponce de Leon, Coronado, de Soto, Cartier, LaSalle

Critical Thinking
1.      Which explorer most likely discovered the Mississippi River? Why?

2.      What do all the cities have in common? Why do you think that is?
