Cat Girl

Student Jane is a very bright child, but has her middle school girl quarks. Last Spring she was always always showing off "selfies" with her poor cat. As finals approached nothing worse could have happened than that poor Cat running away! To be quiet honest, I don't blame the cat one bit. I had shown my students a few months prior to this event, a picture of my cat and how unique he sits. When Jane was making her bill fair project on animal abuse, she asked for a picture of my cat. She worded it so well, "Miss, I cant find any cute pictures online, may you print out the one of your cute cat you showed us?" For a moment I spaced on the fact that her Bill Proposal was one on animal abuse & soon found an arrow pointing to poor Emitts picture saying "Ms. Dunne's abused cat" because apparently the students believe that I "force" to sit gangster like. So when her cat ran away in my head I thought, thats what you get for being a hypocrite. So I told her to be hopeful & that upon his return to lay off the selfies. Finals ended and no word on the cat. I kindly emailed her mother to ask as school ended in hope of a happy start of the summer & nothing. I sent condolences & hopes for a miracle! A month later I got a ding on my phone... Janes mom emailed to alert the return of the cat & the ban of cat selfies in hopes that he would not escape again! 
Shortly after we returned to school this year I get another ding on my phone. Jane emailed me a selfie with their new kitten... The headline sid "she didnt ban me from taking selfies with this cat". 

Oh middle school children! 
