Quarter 2 Interactive Notebook 7th grade Civics (Florida Standards)

Quarter 2 INB Civics


Unit 1: SS.7.C.1.6 & SS.7.C.1.7

Preamble of the Constitution and the Power of Govt


Lesson 1: Bellwork day 1

right side: the students will interact with the lyrics to the School House Rock Preamble song.

Left side: the students will go line by line through the preamble in a Close Reading (CIS) model to decider the meanings, vocab, and main idea that the intro to the constitution gives us.


Lesson 2: Bellwork day 2

Right side: the students will go through a scholastic reading (class set)  and take Cornell notes on "what is good government anyway?". The students will only be writing on the right side of their notes. Once finished they will go back and chunk their cornell notes and create questions on the left side of the Cornell notes.

Left side: the students will complete their cornell notes summary on the left. The students will be writing a HMMS Level 2 writing with textual evidence. Their Essential Question is "what does a good government possess."


Lesson 3: Bellwork day 3

Right side: limiting government iCivics reading

Left side: the students will complete the 5 limits on government wheel from the iCivics reading.


Lesson 4: Bellwork day 4

The students will be doing a Readers Theater that combines the Founding Fathers thoughts and takes us from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution from states views.


*unit 1 is 4 lessons. Bellwork day 5 will be on lesson one of unit 2.


Unit 2: SS.7.C.2.4 & SS.7.C.2.5

Constitution and Individual Rights


Lesson 1: Bellwork day 5 Quiz from unit 1

Right: Anatomy of the Constitution reading from iCivics

Left: worksheet page 2 of the Anatomy of the Constitution


Lesson 2: Bellwork day 1

Right: the students will be interacting with Smart Song lyrics for the first time today.  The students will be performing a highlighting activity on the lyrics that will help them with their Coodie Catcher next class.

Left: the students will be completing a HMMS Level 2 Rule of Law prompt. The students will be given a definition of rule of law and a scenario of "what would happen if".


Lesson 3: Bellwork day 2

Right: the students will be making an Articles of the Constitution flip book & paper clipping it to their right side. Inside the flip book is 8 flaps. The students will put all 7 articles in and their new vocab word: rule of law.

Left: worksheet page 1 questions 1-9 for Anatomy of the Constitution from iCivics. The students will put their answers in on the clickers once finished.


Lesson 4: Bellwork 3

Right: the students will be making their first Coodie Catcher on the Bill of Rights. The Coodie catcher will be amendments 1-8 out of 10 from the Bill of Rights. The teacher will prompt them through on the smart board.

Left: the students will receive a worksheet with ALL 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights. The students will have to draw a picture showing their understanding.


Lesson 5: Bellwork day 4

Right: the students will receive the Smart Song lyrics for the Bill of Rights song. The students will walk through a Close Reading (CIS) model to get a full understanding of what each amendment gives us.

Left: there will be no left. The students will use this time to complete their worksheet from last class & study with a partner using their Coodie catchers :)


Lesson 6: Bellwork day 5 Quiz

The students will be playing "Do I have a right?" On their new iCivics accounts. He students will right their Username and password in their planners so that they can play at home for extra credit!!!


Lesson 7: test

Once the students are done with their test they will be using the quizlet vocab sheets to create a set of flash cards for Unit 3



Unit 3: SS.7.C.2.1 & SS.7.C.2.2



Lesson 1: Bellwork day 1

EQ: what does it mean to be a citizen? How is citizenship obtained?

Right: the students will be completing an engagement activity using patriotic music.

Left: using their flash cards hat they made after the test last class.  The students will complete a 4 question lesson activity. The questions will prompt them on how to truly define the word "citizen".


Lesson 2: Bellwork day 2

Right: the students will be completing Cornell notes on citizenship. The students will just be taking notes on the right by copying down the prompt cards in their group. The students will go back once each prompt card is in their notes & chunk their notes plus write questions on the left.

Left: the students will complete the "Citizenship: just the facts" iCivics worksheet activity.


Lesson 3: Bellwork day 3

Right: the students will be watching the video "Citizens Unite!" and answering 5 questions during the video.

Left: the students will be completing a Close Reading passage on "Responsibilities of Citizenship". The Close Reading has 5 questions for the students to answer based on vocab and main idea.


Lesson 4: Bellwork day 4

Right: the students will be making a graphic organizer of the 5 things that really make Ms. Dunne giggle. The students will have to figure out what the 5 items have in common that make Ms. Dunne giggle. Then one more on the responsibilities of citizens.

Left: the students will complete a visual vocab on their 3 key vocab terms: obligation/ duty, responsibility, and common good.


Lesson 5: Bellwork day 5 Quiz

Right: formative check- what are the obligations and responsibilities of citizens?

Left: EOC Practice item using an image.



Unit 4: SS.7.C.2.12 & SS.7.C.2.3

State v Local


Lesson 1: Bellwork day 1 & 2

Right: 3 levels of government foldable.



Lesson 2: Bellwork day 3 & 4

Right: iCivics State power: got reservation?

Left: 8 for the state activity


Lesson 3: Bellwork day 5 Quiz

Right: Strike it!

Left: state or local?


Unit 5: SS.7.C.2.9 & 2.8



Lesson 1: Bellwork day 1

Right: electoral process iCivics reading



Lesson 2: Bellwork day 2

Right: vocab a-z activity



Lesson 3: Bellwork day 3

The students will be playing win the whitehouse on iCivics


Lesson 4: Bellwork day 4

The students will be watching political campaign commercials/ ADs on Living room Candidate

Right: guided DBQ

Left: DBQ on their own


Lesson 5: Bellwork day 5

Right: slogan research

Left: make your own election campaign poster :)


End of Q2 items
