Civics Interactive Notebook, Quarter 1

Interactive Notebooks
I am so excited to be starting another school year at HMMS.  In Civics this year, I am hopeful that you will learn a lot.  To best be prepared for class everyday make sure you are bringing the following materials with you: spiral notebook, binder, a pencil, and your highlighters.   Please understand that we work on an Interactive Notebook in class; therefore, it is extremely important to have all these supplies each and everyday! If you have any questions please let me know. There is no homework in my class other than purchasing the notebook, pencils, and highlighters the first week. The only time you will have homework is if you do not finish work in class, or are absent and need to make up work. Work MUST be made up in a timely fashion in order to make the connections. Each lesson will be posted on my website and the teacher interactive notebook will be available during intervention or in after school tutoring. In my website you will always find the items that you need: date of lesson, description of lesson, Essential Question (EQ) of the day, Hook (video to introduce the topic), and examples of your left and right sides of your work. The only items not available online are Bellworks. Bellworks is a daily assessment that is read, UNREALed, and answered in class. 
Interactive Notebook Helpful Items:
Right side: Cornell notes, Reading, or Teacher given items.
Left Side: Students will display understanding of the information on the Right on the Left side by interacting with the information.
  Interactive Notebook - Left and Right.pdf   
  Interactive Notebook Key Parts.pdf   
  Interactive Notebook - Right Side.pdf   


August 18th: 
Welcome back to HMMS

August 19-20:
Introduction to my class! We will be going over my expectations, S.W.A.G. Rewards, interactive notebooks, supplies, and syllabus.
HOMEWORK: students MUST show up with their 100 page spiral notebooks next class! :)

August 21-22: 
The students will be performing an activity with the syllabus and title page with the Substitute.

August 25-26:
The students will be:
Right: we will be going over the CHAMPS procedure for Bellwork, UNREAL, and AVID Social Studies Marking the Text.

Left: a Bellworks sample to UNREAL and try!

August 27-28: Bellwork Day 1
Right: introduction notes on vocab dealing the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, influence, Enlightenment and more in Cornell Notes form

Left: influence prompt. The students will be receiving a strip of paper with their prompt on it. The students will glue the prompt at the top of the left hand side of their notebook and proceed to follow the instructions on answering the prompt. Please keep in mind that you must reword the question into the first part of your answer.

August 29- September 2 Bellwork day 2 
* no school Monday September 1st
Right: the students will complete notes using excerpts (left column) and explanation/ interpretation (right column) of both the Magna Carta and the English Bill Of Rights.

Left: the students will complete a Venn diagram using their notes comparing and contrasting the Magna Carta and the English Bill Of Rights with a shoulder partner.

September 3-4: Bellwork Day 3
Right: the students will be presented with the history and quotes of the Mayflower Compact in Cornell Notes format.

Left: Students will cut out a color page of the Mayflower Ship. Bellow the ship, the students will create waves with words/ sentences that tell the story of what the Mayflower Compact gave the the people of the new world.

September 5 & 8: Bellwork Day 4
Right: the students will read and AVID style mark the Enlightenment Thinkers reading.

Left: Visual Vocab- the students will reference the definitions from the reading about the four vocab terms provided in the boxes. There is one vocab term per box. The four that they will be focusing on are: Natural Rights, Social Contract, Separation of Powers, and Checks & Balance. The students will be placed in groups of four. Each student will pick one vocab term to draw a picture, symbol, or pictoword in the box representing the concepts they have learned in the reading. Once finished they student will share with the group and the group will jot down each drawing.

 September 9-10: Bellwork day 5 QUIZ
Right:   The students will be in groups. Each will be assigned an Enlightenment Thinker. Once they have found out which thinker they will have, the groups will each glue in the research on their person. Once they have finished that, they will glue in the Facebook template for their thinker.

Left: students will draw in a picture of their Enlightenment Thinker, create an info section based on their research, and since their person is an Enlightenment Thinker, the students will enlighten me with their thoughts on how government should be run in status form.

September 11-12: Bellwork will pause today so that we can have a Remembrance Day of 9/11
The students will be watching "102 minutes that changed America" in remembrance of 9/11. No notes will be taken, but vocab terms and a description will be provided on the board. Please let me know if your student has a sensitivity to this topic and an alternative activity will be provided in another classroom. 

September 15-16: Bellwork Day 1
Right: the students will take notes from their textbooks on Settlement, Culture, and Government in the Colonies.

Left: the students will create an annotative timeline of the big events/ documents leading up to the forming of the colonies. From the Magna Carta to the Settlement in the Colonies.

September 17-18: Bellwork day 2
Right: the students will be doing round room reading in the textbook in replace of the right hand column.

Left: students will receive a blank map of the colonies. They will need need to color coordinate the 3 sections of colonies using the instructions. Then the students will use the textbook to label the sections of the colonies. Then the students will draw lines out from each section describing their crops and common industries. 

September 19 & 22: Bellwork day 3
Right: the students will be creating a chart with the Acts that lead up to the. Colonist Separation from England and their over controlling rule. Act- year- what it did.

Left: the students will create an annotative timeline of the Acts using the pictures and descriptions in the textbook. 

September 23-24: Bellwork day 4
The students will be watching the Liberty Kids Boston Tea Party before beginning their activity.
Right: "Too Late To Apologize" Lyrics

Left: in 5-10 full sentences please explain why the colonist were "mad".

No school Thursday, September 25th

September 26 & 29: Bellwork day 5 QUIZ
Right:  the student will be doing an iCivics activity outside of the notebook.
Left: please write a letter to the King and Parliament as either a Patriot or Loyalist describing why you are what you are and your opinion on the recent events.  

September 30- October 1: no Bellwork day
Right: The students will be receiving chunks of the Declaration of Independence to read 
Left: the students will be doing Vocabulary/ Main Idea Practice

October 2-3: Bellwork day 1 
The students will be participating in a Big Ideas Readers Theater to tie together all the information they have learned thus far in civics and lead us into our path to the Constitution! This is a fun learning activity that students have very much enjoyed in the past.

October 6-7: Bellwork day 2
The students will be doing an icivics Federalist vs Anti- Federalist activity that introduces the Articles of Confederation and leads us to the issues the Colonist were still having. Outside of the notebook. 
Left: the students will draw two figures in their notebook with one word bubble above each. One will be a Federalist and one an Anti-Federalist. They will write in 3 arguments in each appropriate bubble. 

October 8-9: Bellwork day 4
Right:  the students will take notes about the story of Shays Rebellion
Left:  the students will be promoted through a Comic Strip about Shays Rebellion.

October 10 & 13: Bellwork day 4
Right: Constitutional Convention activity TBA
Left: Step 1: the students will create a bold and catchy Newspaper Headline for the announcement of the Constitutional Convention. Once the timer goes off, you must then get up and find 3 other titles that you like. Step 2: ask a classmate what title they came up with. Step 3: tell them yours. Step 4: once you have 3 please sit back down so that I know you are done and ready to move out. Step 5: a share out session 

October 14-15:  Bellwork day 5 QUIZ
The students will be participate in a Readers Theater on the Constitutional Convention called "Ride or Die". The students will be taking on the role of the states that we're represented at the move toward the Constitution and away from the Articles of Confederation.

October 16-17: no BW
October 17th ends the 1st Quarter. These days are buffer days. 
