Legislative Branch Centers Activity

Center #1:
Materials: 5 sets of lyrics, a stack of worksheets, and a computer set up to show the “three branches” smart song, instruction sheet.

Center #2:
How is the Legislative Branch broken down?
Materials: lined paper, items to make 3 circles, 5 pencils.
The students will be filling in the chart of how the 3 parts of the legislative branch is broken down using the Rock The Vote Video.

Center #3:
Write me a step by step of how a bill becomes a law. How A Bill Becomes A Law-Process
Materials: lined paper, 5 pencils.
Using the video create yourself a flow chart. Feel free to pause and rewind as needed. Work together as a group. The students should end up with ten steps from the video.

Center # 4:
Political Cartoons.
Materials: 4 political cartoons, poster board, information on the cartoons.
The students will examine the cartoons in their groups and decide what the cartoon is talking about by using context clues. The cartoons will be provided on a poster. The group needs to circle items in the cartoon, draw a line to the side and explain why they have circled this item, what clue does this give to the meaning of the cartoon. Under their comment they need to place their group # and period number like so g#p#. 
