AVID Lessons

We have rotating lesson days:

Day 1: lesson day
*The students will come prepared with a utensil and paper. The students will have their binders open to their AVID section of their binder BEFORE the lesson begins. The lessons will be AVID lessons, reading strategies, writing strategies, etc. The students will grab a "Help Ticket" for next class before they leave

Day 2: tutor day
*The students will turn in their help ticket before they walk in the door. The students will be working toward A's & B's ONLY in each one of their classes. The students will be organized into groups that are based on their Help Tickets on what they need help on in their Core Classes. Tutors will be used as available. If the student needs to go to the Library next class the students will place their name on the sign-up sheet before they leave.

Day 3: reading & AR goal day
The students will have a book or book project ready to go at the start of class. If the student does not have a book, they must sign-up on the library sign-up sheet before the class begins. The students will grab a reading square and begin reading. If the students have an A.R. Test that they need to take, they will quietly go to the computers at the back of their room by themselfs with their book (unless adviced to take the test in a teachers room).
