5 question quiz on the three branches of government

5 question quiz on the three branches of government

1) Indentify the branch of government that interprets the law.
   a) Legislative branch
   b) Executive Branch
   c) Judicial Branch
   d) Parliament

2) Determine the relationship between the legislative branch and the Judicial Branch.
  a) The Judicial branch creates the laws and the legislative branch interprets them.
  b) The Legislative branch carries out the laws and the judical branch makes them.
  c) There is no relations between them.
  d) The legislative branch makes the laws and the Judicial branch interprets them.

3) Identify the branch of government that creates the laws.
   a) Legislative branch
   b) Executive Branch
   c) Judicial Branch 
   d) Parliament 

4)The idea of separation of powers is one of the seven principles of the Constitution. Determine what affect         this principle has on the three branches of government.
   a) Allows the branches to transform into one giant branch.
   b) separates each branch of government to function independently from each other.
   c) Spearation of powers allows for the bill of rights to be included in the constitution. 
   d) Spearation of powers allows for a monarch to be put in power.
5) How does the idea of Checks and Balances affect the three branches of government?
 a) The Idea of checks and balances allows all the power to be held in the Executive branch
 b) Checks and balances is a system that does not allow any of the three branches to take too much power.
 c) The system of checks and balances allows the executive and judicial branches to over power the legislative branch.
 d) This system allows for the judicial branch to control the Executive branch. 
