3 branches cornell notes

Cornell Notes
Topic/Objective: 3 Branches Checks and Balances

Class/Period: Civics

Essential Question: What is the structure and function of the three branches?


-Makes the Laws
-Enforces & carries out the laws
- Interprets the Laws
....but the President can veto them

...but Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 vote.
....but the Supreme Court can declare a law unconsitutional.

....but Senate must approve them.

...but they can be impeached .
is based upon the philosophy of Baron de Montesquieau. In this system the government was to be divided into three branches of government, each branch having particular powers.
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branches
Checks and Balance in the Branches:
Congress may pass laws…
The President can veto laws....
The President and Congress may agree on a law.....
The President can appoint Judges and other government officials...
Supreme Court judges have life terms....
What is Checks and balances, or the separation of powers, is based on?
How do they Check & Balance Chart

Summary: write in your summary
