Three Branches Quiz

Civil Rights and Three Branches Exam
Name:                                                               Period #:
Three Branchers
Short Answer:
1.     What is it called if the President signs a bill?

2.     What is it called if the President rejects a bill?

3.     How many terms can a President serve

4.     What is the only way a President can be removed from office?
If he is ____________________________.
5.     The House of Representatives is made up of representatives from each state base on:
That states ___________________________.

Circle the Correct Answer:
6. Who elects the President?
A) The People         B) The Electoral Vote

7. Can laws be declared Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?
A)     YES
B)     NO

8. Supreme Court justices are appointed by whom?
A) The President                    B) The Congress.

9. One of the duties of the President is to:
A)     make the laws
B)     declare the laws Unconstitutional
C)     sign bills into law

10. Which branch of government makes the laws?
A)     Legislative
B)     Executive
C)     Judical
11. Which branch of government enforces the laws?
A)     Legislative
B)     Executive
C)     Judical
12. Which branch of government interprets the laws?
A)     Legislative
B)     Executive
C)     Judical
13. Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
A)     Chief Justice
B)     President
C)     Speaker of the House
14. The Senate is made up of __ representatives from each state?
A)     1                  B) 2                   C) 3                  D) 4                   E) depends on population

Civil Rights
Connect the correct parts together:
Person:                                                               Definition:
