Study Guide for the Enlightenment & DOI test

Q: What is a Patriot?
A: A colonist that is faithful to the colonies & wants to break away from Great Britain.

Q: What is a loyalist?

A: A colonist that believe that King George III is supreme & they need to follow his orders.

Q: What 3 Natural/ Unalienable Rights does Thomas Jefferson believe that we all have?

A: life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

Q: What was the New England colonies economy largely based off of?

A: Trade, shipping, building, and rum making.

Q: What was the Middle colonies economy largely based off of?

A: Trade, ironworks, cattle, and grain.

Q: What was the Middle colonies economy largely based off of?
A: Fertile land, tobacco, rice, cotton, and indigo.

Q: What was the goal for the colonist in writing the Declaration of Independence?

A: To cut any ties with Great Britain and gain political freedom. That freedom entailed those natural/ unalienable rights that they were being denied before.

Q: Which idea from the Enlightenment inspired the Second Continental Congress to seek independence from Great Britain?

 A: Social Contract

Q: Where the colonist allowed freedom of religion under King George III?
A: No, the colonist were DENIED freedom of religion.

Q: What was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
A: To limit the power of the King, because no man is above the law; not even a King!

Q: What does the Magna Carta and John Locke have in common?
A: They both state that every man has the right to own his own property and the government may not take that away.

Q: What document was influential in persuading the colonists to support independence?
 A:  Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

Q: Who did the colonist have grievances with?
A: British Parliament and King George III

Q: What does grievances mean?
A: a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, esp. unfair treatment.

Q: What does boycott mean?

A: To protest something, like how the colonist were boycotting

buying british goods to send the King a "message".

Q: How does the source of natural rights compare to the source of government power in the Declaration of Independence?

A: Natural rights come from God; government power comes from the people.

Good Luck!
