Historical Formation of the United States Constitution Key Terms

Historical Formation of the United States Constitution

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1.amendmentany change or addition to the Constitution
2.Anti-Federalistindividuals who opposed ratification of the Constitution
3.articleone of several main parts of the Constitution
4.checks and balancesthe system in which each branch of government has a check on the other two branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful
5.concurrent powerspowers shared by the state and federal governments
6.executive branchthe branch of government, headed by the President, that carries out the nation's laws and policies
7.Federalistsupporter of the Constitution
8.impeachmentbringing official charges of misconduct against a government official
9.judicial branchthe branch of government, including the federal court system, that interprets the nation's laws
10.legislative branchthe branch of government that makes laws
11.ratificationthe act of giving formal consent to a constitution, amendment, or treaty
12.rule of lawprinciple that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
13.separation of powersthe split of authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government
14.Articles of Confederation vs. ConstitutionWeak :( vs. Strong :)
