Civics- Economics Unit

Economics: We are currently learning about Economics in our Civics classes.
Here are some resources that we have been using:
We made a memory game using our index cards and new vocab words
  • Power Point:   Economics Lesson to go around the room.pptx   This is something that we used during class to learn and understand Economics as a whole.
  • Helpful Discussion:
    “concerned with the way society chooses” –

    Center discussion on the word “chooses.”
    Explain how economics and the economy do not operate by natural forces, like the weather.

    There are choices to be made in how the economy operates. People make these choices. (You

    may want to branch out on just “who” the people are that make these choices, although this

    subject is covered in Lesson 9 under the topics of monetary and fiscal policy.)

    “to employ its limited resources” –

    Ask students to name resources. Coal, oil, etc., are often
    named by students. Discuss how “people” are resources and how labor is a resource. You can

    also touch on unemployment here. (Find out the current level of unemployment in your area

    before this lesson. Economists debate whether or not there is an “optimum” level of unemployment

    to keep inflation low, and what that level of unemployment is. Lesson 9 discusses

    the relationship between unemployment and inflation.)

    “which have alternative uses” –

    Ask students for examples of how resources can be used
    wisely or unwisely. Examples: clear-cutting versus selective cutting of trees, throwing away

    paper versus recycling paper, and turning off the water when you brush your teeth. Remind

    them that there are many examples they may have learned as early as elementary school.

    “to produce goods and services” –

    Ask students for examples of “goods” (shoes, cars,
    houses, clothes) and examples of “services” (waiting on a table at a restaurant, teaching,

    performing surgery, and giving legal advice).

    “for present and future” –

    Ask students how we can continue to use resources to produce
    the goods and services we need now and still plan wisely for the future.

    “consumption” –

    Ask students, What do you think it mean to consume? To use? To devour
    or absorb; to waste; to spend; to destroy? How would you define a consumer? How are we all

    consumers? Ask students for examples of how they consume. Examples: we all buy clothes,
    shoes to wear, buy food, use gas in cars to go see friends. Other examples?

    School House Rock Video's:
    "Where the money goes"

    "Tax Man Max"

    "Tyrannosaurus Debt"
