Citizenship Unit

Citizenship: Unit #2
We just finished up Geography and now we're headed into Citizenship.
E.Q.: What are the obligations and responsibilities of U.S. citizens?
Goal: The students will understand what it means to be American and how does one become a US citizen.
Vocab Terms: alien, citizen, citizenship, civics, duties, ethnic group, immigrant, naturalization, popular sovereignty, refugee, resposibility, and tolerance.

Week of September 2nd-6th. We will be discussing how one our duties/ responsibilities as an American citizen is to be accepting of others and their culture, because we are such a diverse nation. All of our families came from somewhere and we are each unique. We need to be accepting of the fact that other people may have come from somewhere else, and that they are unique too.The students will be working through a worksheet packet on the 4th and the 6th as well as listening to AHMIR's Perfect video and writing letters to them. The video is a remake of Pink's Perfect song, and made into an anti-bullying video. The students will be thanking AHMIR for being proactive and telling them how they are going to be proactive in their lives & school.

September 9th and 10th: vocab flash cards
1.alien a foreign-born resident of the US that has not been Naturalized
2.Citizen a community member who owes loyalty to the government and is entitled to it's protection
3.citizenship the rights and duties of citizens
4.civics the study of rights and duties of citizens
5.duties An action that we are required to perform. *please add the graph to your flash card
6.ethnic group a group of people from the same country or with a shared culture
7.immigrant a person who lives in a country in which they were not born in
8.naturalization the legal process which citizens of ones country become citizens of another
9.popular sovereignty when a government receives power from the people
10.refugee one who leaves his or her home to seek protection from war, prosecution, or some other danger
11.Responsibility An obligation that we meet of our own free will.
Respecting and accepting others, regardless of their beliefs,practices, or differences.

The above can be found in a flashcard set at The students will be making flashcards on September 9th and 10th. Students may go onto this study and use the study tools and play games with their key vocab terms. *Highly encouraged.* Students will also be recieving information about the Naturalization process at that time and the oath, they will be asked to read this at home if not finished during class.

On the 11th and 12th we will be discussing and Remembering the events of 9/11 which will lead us into our what does it mean to be American project.

The 13th and 16th we will be making "Proud to be American/ What does it mean to be American" posters. The students will eb required to bring poster board to class. It is 50 cents at the school store.

The 17th and 18th will be review days: Our TEST will be on the 19th and 20th. We will begin Forms/ Types of Government after that is complete.
