Citizenship Common Core Civics Vocab List

alien - a foreign-born resident of the US that has not been Naturalized

Citizen - a community member who owes loyalty to the government and is entitled to it's protection

citizenship - the rights and duties of citizens

civics - the study of rights and duties of citizens

ethnic group - a group of people from the same country or with a shared culture

immigrant - a person who lives in a country in which they were not born in

naturalization - the legal process which citizens of ones country become citizens of another

popular sovereignty - when a government receives power from the people

refugee - one who leaves his or her home to seek protection from war, prosecution, or some other danger

Tolerance - Respecting and accepting others, regardless of their beliefs,practices, or differences.

Responsibility - An obligation that we meet of our own free will.

duties - An action that we are required to perform. *please add the graph to your flash card
