AVID Syllabus

http://www-nhs.stjohns.k12.fl.us/avid/1426A73B-0118C716.0/avid_logo-fin.jpg                                                                                                            http://www-nhs.stjohns.k12.fl.us/avid/1426A73B-0118C716.0/avid_logo-fin.jpg
7th Grade AVID Elective
Syllabus and Class Expectations

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. The AVID elective is the key element for
the AVID program. The AVID program is aimed at directing students to a collegebound
path. This will be done by teaching organizational skills, proper study habits,
and developing the learning process with critical thinking skills.

What is AVID?
AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination.
Essentially, the AVID class is one that prepares students for rigorous classes in
middle school and high school. Its ultimate goal, however, is to prepare students
for college. In middle school, some of the skills that students will learn are as
- How to keep a neat, organized binder for all classes.
- How to take notes that can be used as study guides for tests.
- How to develop problem solving skills.
- How to be responsible for their own learning!

Behavioral Expectations/Classroom Rules:
Proper behavior is a requirement in this classroom. We will work together as a class
to help all students succeed. This means there must be a positive learning
environment, free from negativity and distractions. Students will be expected to
follow these classroom policies:
- Follow all school rules
- Obey directions the first time they are given
- Respect everyone and everything in the classroom at all times
- Arrive to class on time, prepared and ready to learn. Students are to remain
seated and on task. The teacher excuses the students, not the bell.
- Raise your hand when you would like to speak, do not interrupt or speak out
- Be positive and always do your personal best!

Grading Policy
Grades for AVID will be based on the following:
- In-Class Assignments/Projects
- Journals and Quick Writes
- Binder/Agenda Checks
- Presentations
- Attendance/ Participation
- Cornell Notes
 - Homework
- Group Projects
Classwork and Participation: 60%
Projects and Homework: 40%

AVID Supplies
All AVID students are required to have the following supplies everyday at school:
· Good quality, 3-ring binder, 2” or 3” rings with pocket inserts. (school required)
· Five to six colored tab subject dividers to separate classes (school required)
· Zipper pouch to store supplies (school required)
· A pen and a pencil with erasers
· Highlighter
· Sufficient amount of lined paper
· Agenda – filled out (the Agenda is provided by the school)
Ø  Please note that there is no text book for this class because we will be expanding on the work from their other classes. All educational related materials will be provided to the student in class.

AVID students must be dedicated to improvement in their classes. Progress will be
monitored by the students as well as the AVID teacher. All AVID students will
maintain a GPA of at least a 2.0 to remain in the program. As an AVID teacher, it
is my priority to assist each one of my AVID students to succeed. I am committed to
assisting students with any issues regarding their classes. If you have any questions
or concerns please feel free to contact me.
I have read and understand all that is expected of me as an AVID student.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Student Name Student Signature
I have read and understand what is expected of my AVID child.
________________________________ ______________________________
Parent Name Parent Signature
Phone Number:_________________________ Email:_______________________
