AVID Prediction & Inferencing lesson

Teacher’s Name: Dunne                                                Date of Lesson: 10/18/13
Grade Level: 6th                                                            Topic: Anticipate (AVID)

Student will understand that predicting what may happen next in the reading will help make the reading more memorable and help in your thought process for comprehending.
Student will know how to make a prediction and annotatively anticipate what may happen.
Student will be able to do annotative marking the text.

Writing: The students will be doing a quick write on synonyms they think of when they hear the word/ action “hitchhiking”. The student will write down their prediction. Writing down their thought process of anticipation on what may happen next in the story.
Inquiry: Anticipate what may happen based on the title.
Collaboration: They will take turns reading the different paragraphs, but each student will be responsible for the annotation on their texts.
Organization: They are organizing their predictions and thoughts on paper.
Reading: They will be reading “The Last Ride” by Dev Carey and Michelle Nijhuis


Formative (Assessment for Learning)
*    Quick Write
*    Prediction
*    Annotations on Text


L.A.: writing, summarizing, and research.
Reading: comprehension, reading, finding parts of text, and summarizing

Student seating is chosen by the students. They are set up in desk groupings to be able to discuss with peers after they are done reading.

Differentiated Instruction

Visual: hook/ video
Logical: organizing into the graphic organizer
Music: in the video
Intrapersonal: working at their desk to fill out the chart.
Interpersonal: Read a loud and discuss as a group.

I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations.Absent StudentsMy attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.
Only for those who will need this for an accommodation or if we do not complete the lesson.

Materials, Resources and Technology
Writing Utensil, paper, article, and blank piece of paper.

Source for Lesson Plan and Research

Teaching and Learning Sequence:
Model- practice- apply- discuss- reflect
Anticipation: Quick Write
-Thinking about the topic
*     What words/ feelings come to mind when you think of the word/ action: “hitchhiking”
“The Last Ride”
Title: what does the title make you feel or think of?
Ø  Next to your list of words please make a prediction  of what may happen in this story. *fold up your paper when you are done and place it in the shoe box.
Model: “One hitchhiker’s oral history”
Ø  Why was this their last ride? Did they die? If so, how did they get their “oral history”?
1.     There should be a blank piece of paper on your desk. Please place it over the article, only slide the paper down paragraph by paragraph. Please slide your paper down so you can see the first paragraph.
2.     The teacher will pick a volunteer to read paragraph #1.
3.     Ask the students to make their predictions on the side of their article. The teacher will ask the students to volunteer some of the things that they wrote next to paragraph #1. 
*Repeat: 2nd paragraph
Ø  Take turns  in your group reading  ONE AT A TIME as you ALL mark the text based on your own individual thoughts & predictions.
Ø  The teacher will take out their predictions from earlier and hand them to new students
Ø  The students will open and see if the students prediction came true or not. Why? Why not? Was it close?
