American Revolution Mental Floss Lesson

Teaching and Learning Sequence:
             Today in History
             Hook: “School House Rock: American Revolution”
             Review discussion:
             The teacher will project pieces of the book “The Mental Floss: History of the United States” by Eric Sass on the Smartboard using the Document Reader. Call on students who quietly raise their hand to read:
*              Pages 36-37 Go through the Timeline of “What Happened When”.
*              Pages 38-42 “Lies your Teacher Told You” Go through an look at the issues that the Coloniest faced and decide (thumbs up-thumbs in the middle-or thumbs down) wiether the Colonist had a reason to be upset.
             Get out your text books and turn to page ____ and look at the chart with each act laid out. This should help piece together what the other book was talking about.

-Exit Question: on an Index Card the students will answer the following question?
*Who did the 13 Colonies want to break away from and why? Give at least 2 in-depth and logical reasons why?
