The Assyrians, the Persians, and the Phoenicians Test

Student’s Name:
Teacher’s Name: Ms. Dunne

                        Period Number:

Multiple Choice: match the correct response to the question proposed to the best of your ability.
1.              Soldiers who fight while riding horses are called:
a. Calvary
b.      Navy
c. Conquers
d.     Conquistadors
2.                Standing Army:
a. is a temporary army at war time
b.      is an army of hoodlums 
c. is a permanent army of professional soldiers.
d.      is a permanent army of  random towns people
3.               Tribute
a.  is a payment made to show loyalty to a stronger power.
b.     is a payment made to ensure that you wont get killed.
c. is a sacrifice of life, liberty, and property.
d.      is a donation to the gods for rain and good harvest.
4.              This is money that is used as a medium of exchange:
a. dollar bills
b.     trade
c. continuity
d. currency
5.              Stele
a. is painted onto at tall wooden carve out.
b.     is a carved stone slab or pillar that stands on end.
c. is carved into a piece of wood and hung in ancient homes.
d.      is panted on walls during the ancient times.
6.               What is a good or service that is produced within a country and sold outside the country’s boarders?
a. Trade
b.     Import
d.      Cultural diffusion
7.               What is a  good or service sold within a country that is produced in another country?
b.      Trade
c.Cultural Differences
Short Answer: answer the following questions to the best of your ability:
8. How did the Assyrians Organize their government?

9. Which Persian leader conquered Babylon?

10. How did Darius change the Persian Empire?
11. Where was Persia location?

12. What was the rule of Cyrus like?

13. How was Toleration a different an unique way of governing? What did it allow people to do?

14. Who set up Provinces and what what the purpose of them?

15. What is Cultural Diffusion?
