S.W.A.G. Reward System

Each class my students work to earn a letter of S.W.A.G.
If they are awesome they earn an "S".
Then the next class they work toward the "W" and so on and so forth.
If they did not display S.W.A.G. letter worthy behavior, then they don't earn the letter.
However long it takes to earn the letter is up to them.
Once they have spelt out S.W.A.G. they get a STAR on the next calendar day.
That star earns them 10-15 minutes of a fun activity picked by the teacher.
We've made Tornadoes in a Jar.
We've done minute-to-win-it games.
Whatever I have time and money for. 
The Oreo on their forehead competition is my favorite so far!!

Try It Out! It works!!!
