Lead up to the Declaration of Independence Cornell Notes

Cornell Notes
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Topic: Road to the Declaration of Independence
Essential Question:

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Class: _________________ Period: ________

Date: ____________________________

Ruled By Britain
The country of Britain was in charge of the 13 colonies Even though the colonists were far away from Britain, the colonists still needed to follow their laws. They also needed to pay Britain’s taxes. King George III sent soldiers & officials to the colonies to ensure that the colonist obeyed the laws.
Terrible Taxes
By 1765, many colonists grew unhappy with Britain. The trouble was the Taxes! Britain needed money. It had fought war with France that cost a lot of money. Britain’s lawmakers, called Parliament, wanted the colonist to pay for it. Therefore, Parliament voted to make the colonists pay extra taxes on everyday items such as tea and cloth.
No Representation
The new taxes made the colonists angry. They felt that they should decide what atxes to pay, not peoples in Britain. The lawmakers in Parliament were representatives of the British people (constitutional monarchy). People choose representatives to represent them, but the colonist had no one to give them a say/ voice in Britain.
The Colonist: Being Proactive
They wrote letters to King George III with their complaints and concerns, however, the taxes continued.
Looking for a Better Way: First Continental Congress (Proactive and Reactive)
On September 5th, 1774, each colony sent representatives to a meeting at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia. The meeting was call the First Continental Congress.. It was a type of Parliament. The representatives were all men. They hoped to find a way to get along with Britain. They sent MORE letters to King George III. They also asked colonists to stop buying British goods.
War Begins
It started with battles at Lexington & Concord in Massachusetts.
Then the American Revolution, which lasted 6 years. This strong war and movement shifted the colonist to the best idea possible- to break away.
The Famous Five
By June 1776, the Continental Congress stopped writing letters to the King. Richard Henry Lee asked the Congress to vote on a statement saying “these United Colonies are… free and independent States.” Congress voted yes. A group of five men began planning the Declaration of Independence: Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, John Adams, and Robert R. Livingston.
Jefferson’s Reasons for Independence
·       The King has been unfair to the colonists.
·       People have rights that can not be taken away from kings.
·       A government should protect the people’s rights.
·       A government should listen to its people.
God Given Rights: Unalienable Rights
The most famous words of the Declaration are “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”
Jefferson wrote that God gave rights to everyone. These are rights to life, liberty and the right to find happiness. Liberty is another word for “freedom”.
The Declaration says that a government should make sure that people have these rights. Jefferson believed that the people should create the government. People should choose their leaders and their laws.

