STAR strategy

Sometimes after college, memories fade and well... you need a little refresher. So, since it took me a while to find a REAL teaching job and now well into my second year with my awesome kids... I have decided to rummage through some old binders and look for some helpful things.

Bellow is an interesting thing that I am wicked pumped about making a poster for tomorrow to help my students with writing:

Take things out

This seems perfect to minimize the typically middle schooler overuse of "like" and "my teacher said".... not like any middle school girl ever uses the word like a million times or anything... ;) Plus this helps organize their blurted out/ dumped onto a paper thought process before they hand you their train of thought without reviewing. Reviewing= KEY! They haven't learned yet, how to re-read what they have wrote. But... then again many adults, including myself, never re-read e-mails, text, and other posts before we post them sometimes and maybe we should.... luckily I have wonderful co-workers, family members, and friends who let me know when I have misspelled something or used improper grammar. MAYBE if my middles school teachers taught me STAR I would do the precess or re-reading a little more often to prevent those awkward moments.
