Proactive Anti-bullying lesson

Subject: ADV Civics
Periods: 3, 8
Essential Question
-What is being Proactive?
What are the characteristics that make up a culture? What is a citizen? Why do people create, structure, and change governments?
Bell Ringer (HOOK)
Section 1 of class:
Pink - Perfect (AHMIR cover) - Anti-Bullying video
Section 2 of Class:
Direct Instruction: Purpose and Modeling: “I Do”
Guided Instruction: “We Do”
Whole Group:
Section 1:
“We are focusing on Being proactive at the beginning of class. We will be watching the above video and writing a letter to the group stating: thank you for being proactive and telling them how we are going to be proactive. Being an American means to be accepting of the diverse culture that makes up the US, not being a bully. Citizens come in all shapes and sizes, so we need to be proactive in accepting everyone’s differences. AHMIR is made up of older men in their 30’s and 40’s, they do not have to make these videos for middle schoolers, but they did. Please thank them for their act of caring and tell them what you are going to do to be proactive in your life + school (not only against bullying, think about the proactive video from the guidance counselors). “
Section 2:
Do your workbook now on “Being American” to see how diverse we are.
Small Group:
Collaborative Learning/Perfect Practice: “You Try”
Independent Learning: “You Do”
Workbook: pages 25-29
Writing Activity
Workbook: pages 25-29
Proactive letter
Agenda on the board
Topic: Being an American means to be accepting of the diverse culture that makes up the US, not being a bully.
Computers, workbooks, paper, utensils, students, energy, video
I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations.
Absent Students
My attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.
