
"Literacy is instruction for the reading and writing teachers alone."

REALITY: each academic content area poses it's own literary challenges in terms of vocab, concepts, writing styles, note taking, and topics. Our school has universal Cornell Notes. In my civics class my kids make flash cards ALL the time. They break down parts of words and do compare and contracts in almost every unit. We do annotative text, where they combine the AVID style marking the text and college style write all over your text. Our math teacher even does marking the text strategies. Our science teachers even do interactive notebooks. Who ever first stated this is redic! I believe that often teachers get lazy and say... oh that's not my job. It's everyone's job!!! You need to care if these kids learn basic skills to become bright and amazing people. If you don't care or incorporate integrated learning, than find a new job.... when one teacher or a few teachers don't care or challenge kids, it makes it harder for the ones who do care, bc you are wasting valuable teaching/ molding time that those who care- now need to catch up on. Everyone needs to work together to make the world better. The best place to start is by creating a better tomorrow.

Venting: [done]
