Funny things My Students Say: Middle School Edition Continued

We were playing a game of memory on the floor with our terms and definitions for Citizenship. When I create the memory game, I use random construction paper. Our main focus in Citizenship was: "The things that make Ms. Dunne giggle," which happen to the 5 major duties of American Citizens. So we are battling it out on the floor of my classroom and there is only one "flipper" who is allowed to flip the memory cards from each team. One of the students was trying to aide the "flipper". The first flip was the definition of duties, so the student yelled out: "It's that brown one over there.... it was white before hand... but obviously she put duties on it!" It took my middle schoolers a moment, but between the color reference, the word "duty," and the joke.... my class busted out laughing. My kids definitely make me giggle as well as the word "duty."
