Funny things My Students Say: Middle School Edition Continued

So every teacher has those moments where they realize who ever said there is no "stupid questions in life" was VERY WRONG:
Student 1 to Student 2: "How old are you?
Student 2 to Student 1: "Fourteen and a half"
Student 1 to Teacher: "Miss, why do people say that?"
Teacher: "Say what? I am lost."
Student 1: "That their half..."
Teacher: "What are you you referring to?"
Student 1: " He [student 2] said he is fourteen and a half, that makes no sense, why do people say half... what does that have to do with anything."
Teacher: "Ummm well, he is 14 and he is half way through the year on the way to his 15th birthday.... so he is 14 and half."
Student: "OHHHHHH!"
Teacher: "MMMHHMMMM!"
