Diversity Lesson

Subject: ADV Civics
Periods: 3, 8
Essential Question
 2)What are the obligations and responsibilities of U.S. citizens? Be accepting of others
Bell Ringer (HOOK)
Direct Instruction: Purpose and Modeling: “I Do”
The powerpoint
Guided Instruction: “We Do”
Whole Group:Think about how you are like the other people in the class. Then think about how you  are different from them…
  • Take 6 strips of paper and on EACH strip write ONE SIMILARITY and ONE DIFFERENCE…
  • Share in your group…
  • Connect your group’s strips into a chain…
  • Join your chain with the other groups’ chains to create a CHAIN OF DIVERSITY. J
  1. How old are you? I am _ years old.
  2. What is something that is unique to your family that you like to eat? My family likes to eat…
  3. How many siblings do you have? I have _ siblings.
  4. Nationality? I am….
  5. Hobbies or Sports you play? I like to…
  6. Favorite subject? My favorite subject is….
Small Group:
Collaborative Learning/Perfect Practice: “You Try”
Independent Learning: “You Do”
Writing Activity
Agenda on the board
-Read 40-49 in the book...
-Show diversity video http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/multimedia/cultural-differences/?ar_a=1&ar_r=999
Show “Lost Boys” Video
  • Diversity Chain
  • Give each student a strips of paper
  • Tell them what you want them to write on each ***
  • Discuss in groups
  • Connect!
6 completed chains and exit question

Exit question/ homework: http://youtu.be/gliHyklHr6c “Perfect” by Ahmir (anti-bullying video)
Please write a letter to Ahmir thanking them for being proactive and tell them how YOU are going to be proactive
I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations.
Absent Students
My attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.
