Civics: The Enlightenment

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Dunne                                                Date of Lesson: October 22nd- 29th, 2012
Grade Level:            7         Topic: Influences on American Colonial Government
Student will understand that the ideas and documents from this time influenced the formation of American government and the influences of the Enlightenment thinkers.
Student will know democracy, direct democracy, representative democracy, colonial, republic, limited government, legislature, social contract, and natural light.
Student will be able to break down the beginning documents and understand the events that occurred followed by the effect of those events.
            Content Area
Civics: The Enlightenment
            Standard Label
SS.7.C.1.1 How Enlightenment ideas influenced America's founding fathers
SS.7.C.1.2 Impact of early documents on colonists' view of government
Civics textbook - Chapter 4
L2-1- SS7C11and SS7C12 Founding PrinciplesL2-2- SS7C13and SS7C14 Dec of Ind
This lesson will provide students with the basic intro to the major era, major enduring themes, and historic influences in United States and world history from the Enlightenment period by understanding the documents that effected the times and still affect us today.
Formative (Assessment for Learning)
  Students will organize their reading during class into a Event & Effects Graphic Organizer from the book. We will read outloud the first section of the chapter and they will fill out the graphic organizer in the process.
Type II technology: Hook- The will be a video introducing them into the founding fathers.
the enlightenment thinkers
The students will be working individually filling out the Event & Effect chart as we read out loud as a class.
Differentiated Instruction
Visual: hook/ video
Logical: organizing into the graphic organizer
Music: in the video
Intrapersonal: working at their desk to fill out the chart.
Interpersonal: Read a loud and discuss as a group.
I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations.
Abscent Students
My attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.
Materials, Resources and Technology
-My computer, youtube, textbooks, pencils, pens, paper, and a projector.
Teaching and Learning Sequence:
Day One:
Agenda: foundations of democracy
  • Attendance: The teacher will take attendance at the front laptop.
  • Today in History: The teacher will show the students the daily video on the this day in history and answer any follow up questions.
  • Hook: The teacher will show the hook
  • The teacher will review the above video and begin the lesson by calling students up to get their text book by birthday month. Then ask them to turn to page 84 and take out a piece of paper.
  • The teacher will them instruct them through the instruction on the bottom of page 84 for taking note: The Events & Effects chart.
  • We will then take turns reading each paragraph in this section and pausing so that the students may fill out their graphic organizer.
