5 things to take with you

1) You need to make sure that at least some of the time, your students are reading things that are TRULY interesting. Remember: if you are bored by the reading, they certainly are too!

2) Same thing for writing: figure out how to get them to write interesting things- otherwise you will find yourself bored and dreading reading/ responding to their work.

3) With those now stated: keep the notes/ "lecturing" time interesting as well. Make it silly and/ or memorable. The other day I made a graph of the 5 things that made Ms. D giggle. After writing down "pay taxes, obey the laws, defend the nation, attend school, & serve on juries" in the 5 outside bubbles my kids thought i was wicked WEIRD (bc they probably already thought that I was weird). Then I told them, that sometimes my mind thinks like a middle school boy and this word REALLY makes me giggle. There was always a boy in every class that quickly raised their hand to tell me "duties". Now that, is memorable.

4) Teach kids how you want them to write- do not just assign them writing and expect them to write what you want them to write, bc it is not going to happen.

5) Feedback to your students- is key: positive or negative. Instead of just putting a check next to a 1 point question, put +1... and then put their total score as +20 instead of just a boring old 20, even if it's 20/100, bc at least they got 20 correct. 20 is better than 0. Enjoy the little moments as well.
