Common Core Exam: Civics Study Guide

Flash cards:

Review Video's:

"Too Late To Appologize A Declaration"

Teacher Questions After:

-Who is singing that song? The Colonist

-Who is trying to appologize? the British

-Why? Because the colonist are trying to break away

-Why are the colonist trying to break away? high taxes & tyranny

-What document did they create when they broke away? The Dec. of Ind.

"Preamble Schoolhouse Rock"

Teacher Questions after:

-What is the Preamble? The intro to the Const.

-What does an intro do? Tell you what you are about to talk about

-What are the first 3 words of the const? "We The People"

-Who has the power/say in the US Gov.? The People

"Three Branches Rap" by Smart Songs

Teacher Questions:

-Who has the power in the 3 branches? they are all EQUAL

-Name the 3 branches? Legislative, Judicial, & Executive

-Legislative: what are the 3 parts? Congress- House of Rep. & Senate

-Executive? Pres. + Vice Pres.

-Judicicial? Jud is for Judge and Judicial, so the Judicial branch is the Courts.

-Who makes the laws? Legislative

-Who enforces the laws? Executive

-Who interpurates the laws? Judicial, bc they decide if they are constitutional or not

-What does Veto mean? when the Pres. says "no" to a bill/ law from Congress



Review Sheet:

Civics test to study for CCE:

Is voting in the US a duty or a responsibility?

duty, because a responsibility is soemthing that you are required to do & a duty is something you should do

How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?

"the first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights"

What is double jeopardy?

You may not be charged for the same crime twice

What happened in in Brown v. Board of Education?

de-segregation of schools

What is the job of the Judicial Branch?

decide if laws are Constitutional or Un-Constitutional

Why do you think juries were developed?

So that one person (a judge) does not decide our fate (in court)

What is the purpose of laws?

To keep order

How does supply and demand affect prices (economics)?

The more we demand the more they must supply

What legal protection does the Constitution offer a citizen being arrested?

Miranda Rights

What are the three LEVELS of government?

Local, State, and Federal

What is the highest level of government?


What makes up the legislative branch?

Congress- Senate+ House of Rep.

What is the job of the legislative branch?

to make the bills/ laws

They can not search or seize without?

Warrant (a permission slip)

Freedom of speech, press, and religion are all part of which amendment?


What do you need to do to become a citizen?

take a test

What are the requirements to becoming the President?

-at least age 35

-a natual born citizen

-a resident of the US for at least 14 years

Who enforces the laws?


Who interoperates the laws?


Who makes the laws?


What is economy?

the study of how we spend our money

Why would economics be concerned with how society chooses?

due to supply and demand

What are checks and balances?

a way that we ensure that no one branch has more power than another

Define Veto?

When the Pres. Says "no" to a bill/ law from the legislative branch
