Taxes Continued

Taxes paper rubric
Peer Name:
Part of the paper Description Total Points Max
Value Hands 2 points per finger filled in for a total of 10 points per hand 20 points max __________/20
Title and Info Title present: 10 points Name: 5 points Date: 5 points Period #: 5 points 25 points __________/25
Paragraph Requirement You must have a minimum of 5 paragraphs: 1 intro, 3 supporting, and 1 conclusion. Any extra supporting gives you 5 extra bonus points. 5 points __________/5 Extra Points: +______
Into Paragraph Topic is stated (which side you are choosing): 5 points The 3 points being made in the upcoming supporting paragraphs are stated: 5 points for each of the 3 arguments: for a total of 15 points. 20 points __________/20
1st Supporting Paragraph Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence) Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument) 15 points __________/15
2nd Supporting Paragraph Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence) Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument) 15 points __________/15
3rd Supporting Paragraph Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence) Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument) 15 points __________/15
Conclusion Paragraph Topic is restated: 5 points The 3 points being made in the previous supporting paragraphs are restated: 5 points for each of the 3 arguments: for a total of 15 points.
*This should all be done in past tense 20 points __________/20

The maximum total points for this assignment is 135 points _________/ 135

Extra Credit Points For Extra Paragraphs: +_______

Total points:__________
