Test on First 3 Presidents and the first 2 Political Parties


Name:                                                                                                                                                  Date:

Fill in the blank:

1)      What Political Party was President John Adams in? ____________

2)      What Political Party was President George Washington in? _______________

3)      What Political Party was Vice President Thomas Jefferson in? _______________

4)      What 3 Major Events did President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson deal with?

Event #1                                                      Event #2                                              Event #3



5)      Which of these 3 events gave us the Navy?

6)      Create a Conversation between Phillis Wheatley and Pres George Washingington:

President George Washington:

Phillis Wheatley:

President George Washington:

Phillis Wheatley:

President George Washington:

Phillis Wheatley:


Please connect the following to it’s Match:

7)      President George Washington                                                                   A) 3rd President

8)      Federalist                                                                                                            B) Pro-Britain

9)      Vice President Thomas Jefferson                                                             C) Strong State Government

10)   Republican-Democrat                                                                                    D) 2nd President

11)   President John Adams                                                                                   E) Strong Central Government

12)   Federalist                                                                                                            F) Strict Interpretation of Const.

13)   Republican- Democrat                                                                                   G) 1st President
