Sample Holocaust Mock "interview"

We acted like we interviewed this lovely suvivor by watching 2 interviews with her. My students wrote down questions ahead of time and answered them as she "answered" them. Then they were required to act like a jounralist writing about the genocide that occured. This is my student sample that I wrote.
Alice Herz Sommer

At 109 years old a Holocaust Survivor

The Oldest Holocaust SurvivorStill Living

Alice Herz Sommer reminded me in our interview that life is a precious gift and can’t be taken for granted. Some may take life of themselves and others for granted. Hitler did not see the true gift of life. Concentration camps are a perfect example of how life can be taken from us at any moment. As you read please remember, they are survivors, they are/ were the lucky ones.

Adolf Hitler was the ruler of Germany at the time of the Holocaust and WWII. Germany at the time was facing a hard time. All over the world people were facing a hard time due to World War I. Adolf Hitler provided an opportunity for people to place the blame somewhere; toward the Jews. The only crime that these people whom were targeted against had committed, was being Jewish. Just for being themselves. This nonsense swept the nation and Hitlers followers began to follow his lead. They were called Nazi.

Over 10 Million people were killed due to Hitlers radical call out. 6 Million of that 10 were Jewish people.  Their names were striped from them and replaces by numbers. Their friends and families; gone. What they went through no one
Should ever experience.  The Holocaust is not the only genocide throughout history, but it is the most well known and talked about throughout history.
                These stories that people share about their experience shows us the pain and suffering that they experienced. Not only that, but I believe it shows the strength and will of those who pushed through those hard times.
World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. Hitler and his Nazi soldiers planned to take over all of Europe. In all the countries they conquered they planned to kill every Jew in Europe.  Forced into concentration camps, the Jewish and others of Hitlers undesirables, had no escape. They The Nazi’s hardly fed them. They tortured them. And they Killed them. As the Grandfather in “The Number on My Grandfather’s Arm” by David A. Adler talked about in his tale of his experience to his Granddaughter.
These survivors show us how to cherish each day and to live life to the fullest. Each day we face new challenges, but thankfully we make it through without torture and denial of food. We should be thankful.
Take a deep breath and thank your lucky stars today.
