Oregon Trails and Trail of Tears Journal Project


Idea’s For Your Journal Write-Up

*   Hunting for Food

*   Stocking up at a store for the trip ahead

*   Collecting food: berries, veggies, etc. along the way

*   Being pushed out of your home by Soldiers (Trail of Tears)*must be mentioned at some point if you picked the Trail of Tears

*   Cannibalism (in the winter. Example from History Channel Documentary)

*   Discovery of or search for Gold

*   Illness (them or someone else on the trip with them)

o   Dysentery was very common at the time

*   Fighting (physical or verbal. Example: family feud)

*   Pregnancy/ birth of baby

*   Meet Indians (Oregon Trail: 1st meet, Trail of Tears: meeting other Indians)

*   Starvation

*   Snake bite

*   Tries to run… to try and get there faster.

*   Attacked by a Bear

*   Camping out

*   Discovering plants

*   Learning new things

*   Seeing new Animals

Topic Choice:

*  Trail of Tears

*  Oregon trails



*Please state the date and Dear (journal or diary.
*Pleas Sign each with your Journal person’s name (you may make one up)
10 Points
# of Journals
*You must include at least 5 Journals at a page long each
10 points per Journal:
Total of 50 Points
*About 1/4th of your page should consist of a drawing to describe your Journal entry
*You may also include pictures inside your writing.
5 Points per Picture:
Total of 25 Points
Creativity/ Factual
*Be as creative as possible, but keep it realistic. Use items and real occurrences from your research.
25 points

Total amount of possible points: ___/110

Research Worksheet

1.     Which Trail?


2.     Who are they traveling with?


3.     Why are they Traveling?


4.     What are they bringing with them?



5.     How are they traveling?


6.     What could happen during this trip?



7.     What do they see on the way?



8.     How long did they travel?



9.     Where did they end up?

