Holocaust Project Rubric

Holocaust Project


Peer Name:

Part of the paper                             Description                                        Total Points Max Value

*      Title present: 20 points
*      Name: 10 points
*      Date Due: 10 points
*      Period #: 10 points
50 points max
1st article:
*      Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence)
*      Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument)
*      Factual: Facts are clearly stated 40points
*      Creative
*      Interview process Displayed: The movie 40 points
100 points
2nd Article:
Holocaust Survivors
*      Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence)
*      Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 20 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument)
*      Factual: Facts are clearly stated 40points
*      Creative
*      Interview process Displayed: Alice Herz Sommer and the Grandfather from the book 40 points
100 points
3rd Article:
*      Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence)
*      Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument)
*      Factual: Facts are clearly stated 40points
*      Creative
*      Interview process displayed: Loung Ung  40 points
100 points
4th Article:
*      Full Sentences: 5 points total (not for each sentence)
*      Their point was fully being expressed in support of their topic choice: 10 points (think on a 1-10 scale how well did they present their argument)
*      Factual: Facts are clearly stated 40points
*      Creative: 5 points
*      Interview process displayed: Lieutenant-General Roméo Antonius Dallaire 40 points
100 points
Extra Credit
If the student acted any extra article interviews that they did on their own time they may earn extra points.
Extra Points

The maximum total points for this assignment is 450 points

_________/ 450

Extra Credit Points For Extra Pages or extra research article:  +_______

Total points:__________
