Brother Vs Brother: Family Feud Activity for the Civil War

Title: Brothers Against Brothers (Civil War)

Objectives: The students will understand the effects of the war on the people, places, and environment during the time, especially on the families in the war on an individual basis.

Materials List: Cards, desks moved into pairs, students, and previous knowledge (if they were paying attention).

Assessment: The students will be participating in a role playing activity in class to get them into the roles of family members during the time of the Civil War. Their participation and effort in the role playing activity will be counted for their grade for the day.

Differentiated Instruction


v  Verbal: The students will be engaged in a healthy argumentative dispute about why their side (Union or Confederate) is better.

v  Logical: The game will challenge their prior knowledge to their arguments.

v  Kinesthetic: The students must move around the room to find their partners.

v  Visual: The students will be interacting with the other students in their arguements

v  Naturalist: n/a

v  Intrapersonal: reading the card and developing the arguements

v  Interpersonal: Playing Family Feud with other students.

v  Musical: n/a


I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations.

Absent Students

My attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.

Motivation: This activity will get the students working on their interpersonal and linguistic skills by giving the students a chance to fight with their fellow students. They will be able role play to be able to get a more in-depth understanding of the Civil War and the people being affected by it.

Game Plan:

5 mins As the students arrive they will receive a card with a person from the Union or Confederate. After they receive their card they will proceed to their seats and wait for further instruction.


15 mins  The teacher will explain the cards and the activity that they are about to do with the cards. The cards have a family member, occupation, and their opinion on the war. Before they break up to find their matching family member, Ms. Dunne will do a simulation of the family fights the students will be doing. Each family match has members of the same family on different sides of the war and the students must have a family fight on why they are on the sides that they are on.


5 mins  After the teacher is done with the simulation the students will go in search for their family members. Once they have found them they will go over what is on their cards.


25 mins The students will begin fighting. The teachers will walk around the classroom checking up on the “families” and helping those who are stuck. Using their knowledge that they have gained from what each side is about they will argue their side against their “family member”


15-20 mins  Come together as a class and go over what they fought about (key points). Then the teachers will ask them if they can see how this could affect them throughout and after the war.


Rest of time left Wrap everything up with an exit question:

1.       Did you find this simulation helpful?

2.       Name 2 points you had?

3.       Name 2 point your “family member” had?
