Boston Tragedy: ralation to what we are doing in class now


Relating the Current Evets of the Boston Bombings to the Holocaust

1. Ask the students about their knowledge about the current event
2. Show them a clip of your choice (I picked one from the Boston Globe)
The above video is the video of the Bruins National anthem. We talked about how when a tragedy happens how people unite together in positive faith and to give stregnth to one another to carry on through the hard times. We talked about 9/11 and how people wore NYPD, NYFD, Yankees, Giants, and other New York related stuff to show stregnth and support.
4. Definition of Terrorist: a person who cause harm against innocent sitizens.
Example: Hilter, Saddam Hussein, and those who caused this harm in Boston at the Boston Marathon.
5. Watch a movie realting to our current topic: The Holocaust.
*Challenge the students to look at the tragedy and figure out how they come together in a time of tragedy to provide aid and stregnth to one another in a time of need.
