"The Way We Get By" a great pick for Veterans Day

“The Way We Get By” This movie was tough to watch at points. It brought the Iraq War into life. Most people don’t really pay much attention to it any more. These troop greeters brought attention to the Iraq soldiers coming home and really made the war hit home. Each day they are aware of every plane coming in and going out of the Bangor Airport. They make it everyone in that airport at the time involved in welcoming the troops as they get off the plane. These three greeters make a big difference in the lives of the troops walking through the gates at the Bangor airport in welcoming them home. They make walking off that plane a reality for the troops. Some of them have been over seas for so long it doesn’t really hit them until they see those friendly faces waiting for them. Two of the greeters have gone through the experience of war before and know what it feels like when you finally reach American soil. All of them want to make sure that each soldier feels appreciated for what they have done. They not only greet them, but they provide cell phones, food, and drinks for them. There is also a wall where they can check the lists of the fallen and leave warm comments. What these three people do is incredible and I wish that I had the time to do even a small bit of what they do each day. It’s hard to make it through this documentary with a dry eye. I watched it on PBS and I ordered it; I have yet to accomplish it. It’s especially hard when your seeing what is going on in each of these greeters life and yet they still get up each day to go greet the troops. The best line I believe is when Mr. Mundy says “Call somebody up and make them happy, ugly, or horny”. It just makes you laugh, but at the same time you realize how much it means when a soldier calls somebody up and does any of those, letting the person on the other line know that they are safe and home! This documentary is very inspirational. It shows another side to the Iraq War. I bought a copy, because I feel like this would be a great documentary to show a personal side and the feelings at home of war.
