Respect Activity

Respect Activity Objectives: The students will understand that different people have different meanings of respect. The students will know a general understanding of what respect means, both to them and to others around them. The students will be able to analyze situations and decide if the person is being respectful or not and what they think should have been done instead. Standards: Career and Education Development Standards: A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to Success: Performance Indicators & Descriptors Students analyze how positive and negative personal traits, choices about behaviors, and the belief that one can successfully complete tasks/goals affect success in school. A3 Interpersonal Skills: Performance Indicators & Descriptors Students demonstrate behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal skills and analyze how positive interpersonal skills lead to success in a variety of school, work, and community settings. a. Getting along with others b. Respecting diversity c. Working as a member of a team d. Managing conflict e. Accepting/giving/using constructive feedback f. Accepting responsibility for personal behavior g. Demonstrating ethical behavior h. Following established rules/etiquette for observing/listening i. Demonstrating safe behavior j. Dealing with peer pressure C3 Influences on Decision-Making: Performance Indicators & Descriptors Students identify behaviors that influence career and education decision- making. Rationale: The students are working together to show how they have similar or completely different ideas on what respect is by participating in this activity. They also have to accept others feelings and interpretations of respect. That is how these standards relate to the activity that supports diverse understandings of respect. Procedure: 1. Introduce: The teacher will introduce the meaning of respect and tell them about the activity. (about 5 mins) 2. Think: The students will think about what respect means to them (about 5 mins) 3. Pair: The students will pair up and work on a situations worksheet. They will decide on if the student in the situation is being respectful (about 13 mins) 4. Create: The students will create a bumper sticker about respect in the classroom. (about 10 mins) 5. Post the bumper stickers on the car drawn on the board (2 mins.) The entire activity should take about 30-35 minutes. Materials: • Scenarios worksheet • Blank Bumper Sticker • Drawing utensils • Drawn out car Modifications: • Grade level (as long as the questions are age-level appropriate) • Group size • Environment in which the activity is done. It can be done outside on a nice day. • There can be different questions used
