Holocaust Memorial Proposal Rubric

Holocaust Memorial Proposal Rubric Score Levels Level Elements Student Score KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of evidence from history: facts/supporting details; themes/issues; and concepts/ideas 6 • Key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are thoroughly identified, defined, and described • Significant facts/supporting details are included and accurately described • Has no factual inaccuracies 5 • Key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are considerably identified, defined, and described • Facts/supporting details are included • Has only minor factual inaccuracies 4 • Key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are partially identified, defined, and described • Some facts/supporting details are included • May have a major factual inaccuracy, but most information is correct 3 • Some key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are identified, and described • Few facts/supporting details are included • Has some correct and some incorrect information 2 • Few key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are identified, defined, and described • Facts/supporting details are not included • Information is largely inaccurate or irrelevant 1 • Key concepts/"vital themes and narratives"/issues/ideas are not identified, defined, and described • Facts/supporting details are not included • Information is inaccurate or absent REASONING: Analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of evidence 6 • Identifies and logically organizes all relevant evidence • Uses appropriate and comprehensive critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize evidence • Reaches informed conclusions based on the evidence 5 • Identifies and logically organizes most of the relevant evidence • Uses appropriate and critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize evidence • Reaches informed conclusions based on the evidence 4 • Identifies and organizes some of the relevant evidence • Uses partial critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize evidence • Reaches informed conclusions based on the evidence 3 • Identifies some of the relevant evidence but omits other evidence • Uses the incomplete critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" to analyze, evaluate and synthesize evidence • Reaches incomplete conclusions based on the evidence 2 • Identifies little relevant evidence and omits most of the evidence • Uses unclear or inappropriate critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize evidence • Reaches inaccurate conclusions based on the evidence 1 • Important evidence relevant to the problem is not identified • Critical thinking skills and "habits of mind" are absent • Conclusions are lacking or unclear COMMUNICATION: Demonstrates knowledge and reasoning through oral, written, visual, dramatic, or mixed media presentation 6 • All ideas in the presentation are expressed in a way that provides evidence of the student's knowledge and reasoning processes • The presentation is well focused with a well-defined thesis • Presentation shows substantial evidence of organization • Presentation shows attention to the details of specific performance conventions 5 • Most ideas in the presentation are expressed in a way that provides evidence of the student's knowledge and reasoning processes • The presentation demonstrates a focus and thesis with minimal narrative gaps • Presentation shows sufficient evidence of organization • Presentation has minor mistakes in attention to the details of specific performance conventions 4 • Some ideas in the presentation are expressed in a way that provides evidence of the student's knowledge and reasoning processes • The presentation demonstrates a focus and thesis with several narrative gaps • Presentation demonstrates adequate evidence of organization • Presentation has mistakes in attention to the details of specific performance conventions 3 • Few ideas in the presentation are expressed in a way that provides evidence of the student's knowledge and reasoning processes • The presentation demonstrates an inadequate focus and thesis • Presentation demonstrates inadequate evidence of organization • Presentation has insufficient attention to the details of specific performance conventions 2 • Most ideas in the presentation are not clearly expressed • The presentation demonstration insufficient focus and a poorly defined thesis • Presentation demonstrates insufficient evidence of organization • Presentation has multiple mistakes in attention to the details of specific performance conventions 1 • Expression of all ideas in the presentation is unclear • The presentation demonstrates little focus and lacks a thesis • Presentation demonstrates little evidence of organization • Presentation has no attention to the details of specific performance conventions
