Holocaust Lesson

If you are a Florida Civics Teacher... this one is coming up to finish the year :D I made this when I was in school in Maine... So it aligns to those standards, connect to yours as you wish!

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Dunne
Date of Lesson: Lesson Two
Grade Level: 7th Grade
Topic: Holocaust
Student will understand that hat the actions taken during WWII and the Holocaust resulted in negative consequences.

 The students will also understand that in certain geographic areas the types of effects of the Holocaust and WWII.

Student will know Holocaust, WWII, Pearl Harbor, Nazi's, Jew, Adolf Hitler, Genocide, Concentration camps, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Dictatorship, Totalitarian.

Student will be able to do a blog by taking on the role of a newspaper reporter assigned in an area near a concentration camp during the Holocaust.

Maine Learning Results Alignment E. History: Students draw on concepts and processes from history to develop historical perspective and understand issues of continuity and change in the community, Maine, the United States, and world. E1 Historical Knowledge, Concepts, Themes, and Patterns Students understand major eras, major enduring themes, and historic influences in the history of Maine, the United States, and various regions of the world. a. Explain that history includes the study of past human experience based on available evidence from a variety of sources; and explain how history can help one better understand and make informed decisions about the present and future. b. Identify and analyze major historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events, consequences, and people in the history of Maine, the United States and various regions of the world. c. Trace and explain the history of democratic ideals and constitutional principles and their importance in the history of the United States and the world. d. Analyze interpretations of historical events that are based on different perspectives and evidence. Rationale: The students will be using multiple resources, including an interview with a survivor, to really understand the feel of what it was like during the Holocaust. Assessment Formative (Assessment for Learning) The students will be spending two class periods on this lesson. They will begin with independent research in the area that they have been assigned as a newspaper reporter. After their research is complete they will get together in a group of peers who are also assigned to the same reporting station. These groups will come up with questions to ask the speaker that will be coming in the next day to talk about their experiences in the war. They will ask the survior the questions and take notes to be able to later complete their assignment. Summative (Assessment of Learning) The students will be creating a newspaper article on their newspaper blog about speaking with the survivor as if they just were being released from the camp that they are stationed out of. The students will include both their research and the interview with the survivor to create this news blog entry. They must really get into the role of a newspaper reporter and get creative. Integration Technology: Blogs, research on the internet, interactive map, and youtube video for hook. Other Content Areas: English and Geography. Groupings Each group of students with the same newspaper placement will get into their groups and coordinate what they want to ask the survivor. Each group will have a chance to ask 2 questions and individuals will be able to ask more questions in the extra time in the end. Think, Pair, Share. Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Logical: The students will be combining information from both their research and their interview to create a newspaper article. Verbal: The students interactions with their group members to develop questions and with speaking to the guest speaker. Visual: The students will be able to exhibit the artifacts that the guest speaker has brought in to share. Intrapersonal: The students will be developing questions on their own, filling out the worksheet, their research, and writing their newspaper blog. Interpersonal: The students will be working in their groups on their questions and asking the survivor questions as well. Kinesthetic: Moving into their groups and then off to do their own personal work will really help to keep the students up and moving around. Modifications/Accommodations I will review students’ IEPs, 504s or ELLIDEPs and make the appropriate modifications and accommodations Extensions My attendance policy goes as follows: if you miss a class for a legitimate reason that is cleared from the school see me and we will work on getting you caught up. If you know that you are going to be out in advance, please see me in advanced so that you do not fall behind and become overwhelmed. The student will have to try to grab as many notes from me as needed and meet with someone from their class and compare notes. The student must consult the teacher to get a deadline.
Materials, Resources and Technology
• http://www.answertheskeptic.com/index.php/no-one-left-to-speak-for-me/2008/03/06 (poem)
• Student Laptops
• Google Search Engine • Graphic Organizer http://edu262spring10class.wikispaces.com/file/view/planning-3.pdf
• Survivor
• Writing Utensils
• Paper
Source for Lesson Plan and Research
• Auschwitz-Birkenau
• Majdanek
• Treblinka
• Belzec
• http://fcit.usf.edu/HOLOCAUST/MAPS/SNDMAP/MAPP.htm Graphic Organizer http://edu262spring10class.wikispaces.com/file/view/planning-3.pdf Blog http://www.blogger.com/home Google Search http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en Maine Standards for Initial Teacher Certification and Rationale Standard 3 - Demonstrates a knowledge of the diverse ways in which students learn and develop by providing learning opportunities that support their intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and cultural development. Rationale: This lesson helps students to get a good understanding of the Holocaust through engaging and unique instruction. There is a little bit of lecture, but it leads into the students doing their own research on the topic. The students will be participating in group work that will help them during brainstorming process for the interview with the Holocaust survivor. Standard 4 - Plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, curriculum goals, and learning and development theory. Rationale: By the end of this lesson the students will understand the major enduring themes of the Holocaust and it’s effects on the people involved. They will demonstrate this by filling out the graphic organizers to organize the information that they have gathered on the camp that they have been ‘assigned’ to and putting it into a newspaper article. The subject will be explained through the students research, their interview with a survivor, and the lecture instructed by the teacher. Standard 5 - Understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies and appropriate technology to meet students’ needs. Rationale: This lesson allows students to really take the situation into their own hands and take on their learning in many diverse ways. Technology is incorporated through the researching and newspaper blog entries. The multiple intelligences will be applied as follows: Logical: The students will be combining information from both their research and their interview to create a newspaper article. Verbal: The students interactions with their group members to develop questions and with speaking to the guest speaker. Visual: The students will be able to exhibit the artifacts that the guest speaker has brought in to share. Intrapersonal: The students will be developing questions on their own, filling out the worksheet, their research, and writing their newspaper blog. Interpersonal: The students will be working in their groups on their questions and asking the survivor questions as well. Kinesthetic: Moving into their groups and then off to do their own personal work will really help to keep the students up and moving around. Standard 8 - Understands and uses a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and support the development of the learner. Rationale: Formative (Assessment for Learning) The students will be spending two class periods on this lesson. They will begin with independent research in the area that they have been assigned as a newspaper reporter. After their research is complete they will get together in a group of peers who are also assigned to the same reporting station. These groups will come up with questions to ask the speaker that will be coming in the next day to talk about their experiences in the war. They will ask the survior the questions and take notes to be able to later complete their assignment. Summative (Assessment of Learning) The students will be creating a newspaper article on their newspaper blog about speaking with the survivor as if they just were being released from the camp that they are stationed out of. The students will include both their research and the interview with the survivor to create this news blog entry. They must really get into the role of a newspaper reporter and get creative.
Teaching and Learning Sequence: 2 days
Day One:
• Write the days agenda on the board and take attendance. (4 mins.)
• Hook: Poem. (6 mins.)
• Lecture on the Holocaust (20 mins.)
• The teacher will explain the activity that they will be doing, while also introducing the guest speaker that will be coming the next day. (8 mins.)
• The students will do independent research on their area and questions that they have about the Holocaust. (12 mins.)
  • The students will get together with their groups (based on stationed Newspaper Reporter Placement) and discuss what they want their two questions to the guest speaker to be based on what they already have. (20 mins.)
• Wrap up and look ahead discussion on what will be happening next class (rules of respect). (10 mins.) Day Two:
• Take attendance as the students get into their groups (5 mins.) • Introduce the speaker. (5 mins) • The speaker tells their story. (30 mins)
• Q & A. (15 mins)
• Any additional comments or questions from both the speaker or the students as individuals. (10 mins)
• Thank the speaker and conclude class by letting the students know their assignment and handing out the worksheet that will help them write their first Newspaper report on their “press conference” in their blogs. (15 mins.) Content Notes Dictator A person who rules and has complete control over a country Totalitarian state A single party controls the government and every aspect of the lives of the people Nazi Adolf Hitler Fascist Mussolini Axis powers Germany, Italy, Japan Allies Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States Nazi-Soviet Pact Hitler and Stalin agreed not to attack each other. Communist Stalin Holocaust The killing of millions of Jews by the Nazi's Nuremburg Trials Jewish Star Trials held to punish Nazi war criminals What Jewish people wore in representation of their religion Handouts - Poem: "First they came for the socialists, And I did not speak out - Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, And I did not speak out - Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, And I did not speak out - Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - And there was no one left to speak for me." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foUGmucm8dM&feature=related -http://edu262spring10class.wikispaces.com/file/view/planning-3.pdf
