Great DepressionWebQuest

G.R.A.S.P.S ( Feel free to copy and paste what you have on your wiki page for Dr. Grace.) Goal The students will create and propose a bill based on the work we have been doing in class that they believe may have helped the country at the time. Role Lobbyist Audience Congress Setting The students will take on the role of a lobbyist and congress has asked them to propose a bill to help the country out in their time of need. Presentation The students will create a commercial, in iMovie, proposing their bill. Standards Product Criteria: Script (Bill) 30%, Research 25%, Concept 10%, Storyboard 10%, Teamwork 15%, and Preparation 10% Presentation Criteria: Clarity 20%, Titles and Credits 20%, Interests and Purpose 20%, Costumes and Props 20%, Length 10%, and Interest 10% Introduction The Roaring Twenties have ended and the first world war has made an impact on the nation and the world. Everything seemed to be okay until one day everything that was building up behind closed doors came CRASHING down! The country is in the midst of a depression, The Great Depression, and they NEED help to be able to pull this country out of this mess! The Great Depression is a period of time where banks are failing, the Stock Market has crashed and the country is in a panic. Everything seems to be falling apart, but this is a big chance for America to recreate itself into the power that it is today. Now is your chance to help! Task The United States is in the midst of a depression and chaos is happening in Congress on how to fix this. The government is looking for a hero to come in to save the day. You and your fellow lobbyist partner(s) have been asked by a member of Congress to be that ‘hero’ which the United States is in dire need of. You as a lobbyist are going to create and propose a bill to help bring the United States out of its current situation. With how busy Congress is at this time they would like for your team of lobbyist to make an infomercial about your bill. This commercial should answer all the questions that Congress may have, because you will not be present at the time it is presented. Conclusion WAY TO GO! CONGRATS ON COMPLETING YOUR BILL! Now Congress will review your bill and hopefully it will be passed! Hope you had fun and Good Luck!
